strategic advisor | project manager
senior legal counsel | general counsel
advisory | interim
Experienced legal and management professional.
Senior legal counsel, general counsel, legal project manager and strategic advisor with a focus on corporate law and compliance.
Roots as attorney at an international law firm, moved in-house as legal counsel at various interim positions and matured as strategic board room adviser/general counsel and general manager. All in fast paced, multicultural and multidisciplinary environments.
Since 2007 independent legal counsel/lawyer.
all-rounder | no-nonsense | goal oriented | bridge builder | player-coach | hands-on

Effective advice . Shoulder your burden.
Pragmatic, truly no-nonsense, 100% committed. Your challenge is my challenge. For effective advice it is necessary that I know what drives you, what drives your company and what is going on in your company and in your market. I will make sure I know, obviously not in your time.
Having experience as a 'old school' corporate lawyer and experience as an in-house legal counsel, corporate director, general counsel and general manager, I know what your challenges are - especially outside the legal field. What actions are really effective to reach your goals. Clear and understandable language, cost efficient. No memo's but useful practical advice. The average lawyer explains the problem. I solve it
corporate law | contracting | M&A | investments | joint ventures | restructuring | shareholders agreements | co-determination
'Get it done'. Efficient project management.
Projecten always involve different disciplines. As a result projects can best be managed not only by a good manager, but also someone with a sound basis in one of those disciplines and knowledge of of the other disciplines involved. Projects can best be managed by an all-rounder with focus.
Extensive experience in managing large and complex projects, such as M&A projects (private, public, investments and divestments), restructuring, compliance programs, business model turnaround, but also fraud, claims and regulatory investigations. I know how large corporates operate, what the dependencies are, what other expertise needs to be involved and how to efficiently use those resources. I speak their language.
multidisciplinary | player-coach | management | drive | enthusiasm | getting it done
Added value. Culture.
Employees do not consider compliance and checks & balances the most popular subject. However, with an creative approach and sound program, you can convince people of its added value. Only then compliance is no longer a rule to comply by, but a part of culture which is considered obvious and of value. This is essential for actual compliance.
Explain the 'why', true understanding, 'tone-of-voice', real life experience, realism, openness and enthusiasm results in compliance being an appreciated and talked about topic, supported and essential part of company culture.
Compliance is much more than avoiding risk and liability. It should result in employees feeling safe and at home in your company, accepted and appreciated A positive approach with positive effects.
compliance program | culture | workshops | tone at the top | behaviour at the top | checks & balances | added value
Expertise. Support.
If confronted with a complex and/or big legal issue and you do not have the required expertise or capability in-house, it can be (cost) efficient to engage external counsel on an interim basis. An expert with more expertise than only legal. Someone who is able to act immediately with all 'in-house' disciplines and speaks their language.
If your legal manager's position becomes vacant, it is essential that your legal function continues to be managed without backlog arises or increase of your risk profile. Also in that situation an interim legal counsel/manager can help.
An external 'in house' legal counsel/manager brings a fresh perspective without company politics of or other interests. Not only an expert who's involvement stops after providing advice, but someone who ensures that it gets done.
expertise | independent | fresh perspective | flexible | available | 'in house' experience` | action